TCRNo10 Day 15: Time to Party
August 6, 2024

Words by Emma Cole
Time to party
Over 130 riders have now completed their 4000 km journey from Roubaix to Istanbul, and the Finish Line has been awash with recent arrivals.
Spirits varied, some beamed with pride as they presented their brevet card to the Finish Line volunteers, others sported drained faces and tired legs, desperate to get off their bikes.
But for almost all, harsh tan lines suggested a gruelling journey of riding for days under the sun’s unforgiving gaze.

Many riders finished the TCR for the first time; for a few it was a second time; but for one rider, Mikko Mäkipää (044) it was, in fact, a tenth finish. Arriving after 15 days 3 hours and 51 minutes Mikko now has a phenomenal record of 10 TCR starts and 10 General Classification (GC) finishes (the most recent pending confirmation in the official Race results).

The Race finishes at 23:59CEST this evening and many will be hoping to make it in time for the Finisher’s Party, the reward of a cold beverage no doubt willing them on. For those further back, the journey continues and a Race Finish is hopefully in their sights.
Hugging it out
After over 2 weeks of dotwatching, for the friends and families of riders there was a huge sense of overwhelming relief and pride as they saw their loved ones roll into the Finish.
Nerves filled the air as Adrien Charlot’s (215) girlfriend Andrea awaited him after an agonising fortnight, her relief at his arrival was almost greater than his.
In the evening, Valérie Dumangin (084) was greeted by a huge embrace from partner Adrienne. The couple hadn’t seen each other for a month and it was an emotional reunion.

Moments later, Niels Jeanty (131) rolled in, the immensity of his achievement etched across his body as he fell into a heartfelt hug from Valérie. The two solo riders had shared some special moments on the road, both elated and overwhelmed by finishing.
Food glorious food
After having unintentionally fallen asleep for 2 hours in an ice cream shop on the Finish Parcours, Mike Hall Bursary rider Fran Scott (290) arrived after 14 days 20 hours and 53 minutes.
Nursing a rather swollen left calf and saddle sores, Fran was very happy to reach the Finish.
“It feels pretty good, I’ve actually done it!” said Fran. “I had that moment coming down into Istanbul when you can see the view and I was like this is it. It feels like a real achievement and I’m really proud. The 14 days was what I was really going for and I’ve done it.”
While some riders arrived ravenous and desperate for ‘real’ food, Fran had been making the most of eating food on the fly. Rather partial to junk food, Fran enjoyed the challenge of ultra cycling fueling. Her most gourmet meal: banana and chocolate spread wraps.
Pair Thomas Kemetmüller (312a) and Gerald Stampfel (312b) arrived after 14 days 21 hours and 33 minutes desperate for some non-petrol station food.
“I want some meat, some potatoes, some ice cream, a coke, oh and I really fancy some watermelon,” said Gerald (312b) reeling off his dream meal. “We saw watermelons in Turkey everywhere, but we just had the gas station crap, I’m really looking forward to real food.”

Riding in a Pair has its own set of challenges, as Gerald and Thomas discovered.
“It is a lot of pressure in a pair,” said Gerald. “Thomas is really into it, and I felt like I couldn’t really fail because he would have been disappointed. If I would have been by myself I would have maybe scratched. I’m happy it’s over, I couldn’t go further.”
Defining grit
Mid-afternoon, Auri Teniliä (022) arrived after 14 days 16 hours and 19 minutes, her second TCR and her first finish within the GC cut-off. Relieved it was over, Auri was sporting some rather crooked fingers, which she put down to the gravel Parcours.
“I always get it and I know it will take about 3 months until it heals,” she said. “That’s what the gravel does!”

Also his first TCR, Ted Missons (183) was welcomed in by his parents, his handmade green bikepacking bags rather dirtier than when he started.
“I’ve had a really enjoyable ride, it’s been difficult at times but it’s been spectacular and I’m pleased to be here,” said Ted.
“I had a bit of a nightmare the past day, I decided to do an all-in-one ride to the Finish, riding all day yesterday and night, but then had four punctures just before the Parcours. I patched them but they leaked, so I’m so happy to be here and not have to pump up my tyres every 20 minutes.”

Similarly, Benoit le Roux (139) was happy to have finished, cracking jokes despite hobbling due to his painful feet. Benoit had quite the adventure, having taken many unruly detours, struggling through physical and mental exhaustion and nearly scratching at CP2.
Push for the party
The Race finishes at 23:59CEST this evening and there are plenty of riders still hoping to make the GC cut-off. The Finish Parcours is currently a hive of activity as riders rally to make one final effort towards the Finish Line.
Last to CP4, Nick Barnard has now overtaken Pairs Stef Jacobs (297a) and Stien Van der Eycken (297b) and is ~10 km from starting the Finish Parcours.
For those further back and outside of the GC cut-off time, the journey continues amidst the merit of a Race Finish. Mike Hall Bursary rider Mersedeh Chegini (292) has nearly finished Parcours 4, while Christian Trenkle (091), Michal Tokarz (271) and Boris Reyher (278) are right behind her.
Tonight riders will celebrate finishing the 10th edition of the TCR, bonded by their shared highs and lows of crossing the European continent, and beyond, and toasting to new friendships. For those riders hoping to arrive in time for the party, the cold beers are waiting.